Financial Coordinator

Harmonee Jones

Harmonee grew up in Orlando, Florida, and is the youngest of three children. She was raised by two amazing parents who taught her to worship God and love people. Harmonee grew up singing and worshiping alongside her family and now plays the acoustic guitar and is a worship leader at her church.

Harmonee was a team leader at Chick-Fil-A for 6 years, where she learned how to be loving, kind, and patient in serving others. She then moved on to becoming a virtual assistant to Tax and Accounting specialists, where she learned how to be organized, flexible, a researcher, and a constant student. 

Harmonee is now excited to be serving alongside the amazing team at Cru Foundation as a Donor Relations and Gift Program Administrator. She is ready to serve and use the gifts God has developed in her for the glory of His name and the expansion of His kingdom.
